#1 Watermelon Belly: These stretch marks erupted overnight...no joke either.
#2: Closer view of the ugly stretch marks needing constant lotioning to aleviate the pain, stinging, and itchiness. (32 weeks here- compare to last blog only one week ago)
#3: Side profile of creeping stretch marks and low hanging belly. Thank goodness I can still manage to eat some things. I actually lost 1 lb these past two weeks, but apparently the babies are still growing which is good! (As of late I've only been able to consume about 1200 calories per day due to no stomach capacity. This adds to the light-headedness and feelings of blacking out quite often. Once again, it confines me to my bed).
#4: Endless bedrest with mounds of pillows: Somehow a pregnant woman has to get some sleep. Mike and I have figured out a way.... the high pillows help alleviate acid reflux and allow for comfort and easier positioning while sleeping.

Anyways, just thought we'd scare all you new moms with such fun things to look forward to. (Of course though, my pregnancy has been one of a kind.) We are currently 32 weeks and are hoping to make it to 34 weeks somehow. I just hope my stretch marks won't burst open....