Grandma Jane removing Mikayla's name-tags. Mikayla is 4 days old here.

Grandma Tifani helping Mikayla get ready to go home from hospital!

James Caden holding Caleb for his first time!

Grandpa Steve with both twins. Mikayla is looking up at him so cute. Caleb is probably getting sick of all the pics we take of him! :)

Uncle Matt holding Mikayla and proud Aunt Amy. This was their first time seeing and holding Caleb too.

Grandma Camille feeding Caleb ever so gently!

Grandpa Richard holding Caleb! What a proud Grandpa! (FYI Mikayla is the first grand-daughter on the Williams side. There are already 12 grandsons, which will make for an interesting future of family gatherings!)

Grandpa Tony and Grandma Jane with both twinners!

Grandpa Tony proud as ever!
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