The twinners about one week ago. They are so precious!

Mikayla has to get a helmet for her head. She has plagiocephally...which means her head hasn't formed correctly and is flat on her back right side. She was so sad, I felt so bad.

The nylon mesh prior to the fiberglass stuff.

Aunt Lacey with the twinners.

Caleb screaming. He loves to hear the sound of his voice and will scream just for fun...for forever.

Mommy and Caleb.

Daddy and Mikayla. She looks so small. Love the urp spot on daddy's shirt.

With twins you have to learn how to accomodate both while meeting their needs.

She looks like a little Mary in a Christmas pageant here. Just thought it was cute.

Birds-eye-view of the twins in their bumbos playing across from one another.

The twinners in their outfits from Gpa Steve. Caleb's face is funny here.

Jake's Birthday party at the Pizza Pie Cafe. Lots of fun!
I may not have any wee ones yet...but I think bumbo's are the best thing ever invented.
Mikayla looks so sad! She has the cutest little pouty face. You look gorgeous in your pics Melvin!
Melly, you look sexy! And don't let them put a helmet on her!! Sad! Freaking cute pics though.
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